

Mulberry Coaching

Where Every Child Thrives

At Mulberry Coaching, how we develop and support our Executive Functions (EFs) is at the core of our coaching conversations … so just what are Executive Functions?

Our EFs are a set of cognitive processes that we all need in order to plan, make decisions, organize our time, initiate tasks, approach situations with flexibility, be self-aware, and basically - achieve our goals. We are not born with these abilities, rather they are developmental, finally maturing in our mid-twenties.

If any of the following statements may be applied to your child, it might be time to look at his/her challenges a little differently:

  • Handing in homework on time is a constant battle

  • Your child struggles to start assignments

  • Even basic organization, like keeping a tidy desk or backpack, or retaining materials in one place is challenging for your child

  • You can’t remember the last time your child responded to an unexpected situation with flexibility

  • Your child can play video games for hours and yet cannot retain focus during many given tasks

  • Planning and then sticking to the plan is not only challenging, your child seems to forget that the plan ever existed

  • Working out how much time is required to get something done is an inconceivable task for your child

  • Your child has lost self-confidence in areas where originally successful

Your child is not alone. It’s important to note that everyone has different strengths and challenges, that this does not just pertain to children or teenagers but to adults as well. When I am speaking with students or teachers about EFs, I make the important point that incredibly smart people have EF challenges as well. Once we are able to have a conversation about these challenges, and raise our understanding and EF-literacy, the sooner we will be able to gather additional strategies and tools to ensure our pathway to success.

Mulberry Coaching provides support and strategies that will enable your child to take ownership of these Executive Function skills as independence is gained and self-confidence is repaired and expanded.